planning to use missingt

i get a bit silly at times, going on yap sessions and other things. i am cringe and free, proud superwholockian and hetalia enjoyer (Send Help.)
Aristotle VS... FREAKY spike plate!!!!!! .

i try not to ignore messages and things, but sometimes i just.. don't know what to reply with. sometimes i do, but i overthink things and end up not replying
THY CRINGE ZONE GENDER! AM I RIGHT? i am..... drum roll noises..... GENDAH FLOOID. and i use...... XENOGENDERS??? SOUND THE ALARMS.. SPONGEBOBLOVER69 HAS GONE WOKE I Want to Twerk! uhm sorry about that i got a bit Freaky...
i need to make a seperate page 4 the WOKENESS.. but since i'm rushing the release of this update... ITS HERE!
link to other page will go here lawl